Adding drop-down menu for the [+] “Add” button
In this example we’ll add a drop-down menu to the [+] button and set up a simple combo box with a store:
... { // [Add] button with dropdown menu xtype: 'button' , style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + (Ext.isIE||Ext.isChrome?0:-20) + 'px; right: 20px;' , iconCls: 'icon-add' // drop-down menu , menu: Ext.create('', { plain: true , items: [ { html: '<b>Attribute</b>' } , { xtype: 'combo' , queryMode: 'local' , displayField: 'label' , valueField: 'name' , typeAhead: true , store: Ext.create('', { fields: ['name','label'] , data: [ { label: 'Display Name', name: 'displayName' } , { label: 'First Name', name: 'givenName' } , { label: 'Middle Name', name: 'initials' } ] , sorters: [ { property: 'label' } ] }) // eo store } // eo combo ] // eo items , bbar: [ '->', { xtype: 'button', iconCls: 'icon-add', name: 'add',text: 'Add' } ] }) // eo Menu } // eo [Add] button with dropdown menu ... |
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