Complete MVC Controller
In this example we will complete our ExtJS 4 MVC extension by implementing the controller. The outcome is a fully-functional fieldset with dynamic control inputs:
…and our inputs are easy to provide via JSON data:
// Possible inputs
MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls.possibleValues = [
{ label: 'Display Name', name: 'displayName' }
, { label: 'First Name', name: 'givenName' }
, { label: 'Middle Name', name: 'initials' }
, { label: 'Last Name', name: 'sn' }
]; |
// Possible inputs
MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls.possibleValues = [
{ label: 'Display Name', name: 'displayName' }
, { label: 'First Name', name: 'givenName' }
, { label: 'Middle Name', name: 'initials' }
, { label: 'Last Name', name: 'sn' }
Continue reading Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (8)
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