ExtJS 4.1 Fieldset Icons

Last year I had this working with ExtJS 4.0.x – see here.

Since ExtJS 4.1 came out, Sencha made some significant changes to the internal structure of the fieldset and this customization stopped working. Here’s newest override that will work with 4.1:
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ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 in 2-way JSON (1)

In this example series I will show you something that might save you some headache – using ExtJS 4 AJAX controls with IIS 6+ running MS AJAX Extensions 1.0. We will need to make a custom proxy for use in stores, which are utilized throughout ExtJS4, i.e. in a combo:

Data will travel back and forth between our server-side C# code and client-side ExtJS 4 in efficient JSON packets, such as: {param:’test’}
Continue reading ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 in 2-way JSON (1)

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Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (9)

Leveraging ExtJS4 Store

In this example we will expand on our already-functional fieldset extension by adding an extra column to the store – “config”. This is an excellent example of the flexibility that ExtJS 4 MVC (Model View Controller) architecture allows.

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Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (8)

Complete MVC Controller

In this example we will complete our ExtJS 4 MVC extension by implementing the controller. The outcome is a fully-functional fieldset with dynamic control inputs:

…and our inputs are easy to provide via JSON data:

// Possible inputs
MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls.possibleValues = [
    { label: 'Display Name', name: 'displayName' }
    , { label: 'First Name', name: 'givenName' }
    , { label: 'Middle Name', name: 'initials' }
    , { label: 'Last Name', name: 'sn' }

Continue reading Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (8)

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