Layout Run Error: Case of Toolbar

Last year I wrote about the rather grim approach to troubleshooting ExtJS 4 (or 6 Classic) “Layout Run Error” issues:

Debugging ExtJS “Layout Run Error”

Now I came across a scenario now with a rather simple and unexpected fix. Consider this scenario where a panel specifies defaults for the “collapsible” behaviors of its child panels, but also has a toolbar as a child:

    title: 'Floating Footer',
    autoScroll: true,
    defaults: {
        xtype: 'panel',
        collapsible: true,
        collapsed: true,
        titleCollapse: true,
        margin: '0 30 0 30'
    items: [{
        title: 'Panel 1',
        margin: '30 30 0 30',
        html: 'Panel content!'
        title: 'Panel 2',
        html: new Array(1000).join('Lorem ipsum '),
        collapsed: false
        title: 'Panel 3',
        html: 'Panel content!'
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        margin: '30 30 30 30',
        items: [{text: 'Back'}, '->', {text: 'Next'}]

A seemingly harmless configuration, this would throw “Layout Run Error” all day long with ExtJS 4.2. Why? Because apparently the “collapsible” configurations in the defaults somehow affect the toolbar (who while not a panel, but is a container). Easy fix – negate those configurations on the toolbar:

    xtype: 'toolbar',
    margin: '30 30 30 30',
    collapsible: false,
    collapsed: false,
    titleCollapse: false,
    items: [{text: 'Back'}, '->', {text: 'Next'}]
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shrinkWrap in ExtJS 4 and 5 Containers

ExtJS Containers and Panels are typically sized by their parent container’s layout. Traveling up the layout chain typically leads to a Viewport, which occupies the available screen space; i.e. (view in Sencha Fiddle):

sample viewport

Now what about those times when you want to use these beautiful panels as the actual content, rather than as holders of other content? In other words, how can we make the Panels size based on their content (rather than as dictated by their parent’s layout)? The end result might look something like this:

sample panel shrinkWrap

Read on to find out how its done and what caveats exist…

Continue reading shrinkWrap in ExtJS 4 and 5 Containers

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ExtJS 4.2 Plugin Example

I’ve enjoyed the 4.2 ExtJS release since it came out; especially the new theme and grids. I recently wanted to “puff in” a Panel for some eyecandy, but I quickly realized it’s a bit trickier than you might think.


Components don’t have slideOut or fadeIn methods like Elements do.

It’s not a problem in case of “hiding” actions (i.e. slideOut or puff), which you can accomplish by something like component.getEl().slideOut().

However, in the case where you want to “show” a hidden panel (i.e. slideIn), in a case of deferred rendering (i.e. when creating and showing a new panel on the fly), the getEl() doesn’t have a DOM element to show yet, until the panel has been rendered.

The fadeIn method is achieved by showing a panel with CSS opacity 0% and then animating it back to 100%.

I ended up solving this via means of a plugin. Can you think of a more elegant solution?
Continue reading ExtJS 4.2 Plugin Example

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