Complete MVC Controller
In this example we will complete our ExtJS 4 MVC extension by implementing the controller. The outcome is a fully-functional fieldset with dynamic control inputs:
…and our inputs are easy to provide via JSON data:
// Possible inputs Ext.namespace('MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls'); MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls.possibleValues = [ { label: 'Display Name', name: 'displayName' } , { label: 'First Name', name: 'givenName' } , { label: 'Middle Name', name: 'initials' } , { label: 'Last Name', name: 'sn' } ]; |
JS – Controller
Majority of the work in the example went into the controller. I took the sample textfield configurations out of the view (from previous example) and put it in controller, to utilize closure for cleaner layers:
Ext.define("MyCompany.controller.FieldsetDynamicControls", { extend: "" , init: function() { var controller = this; controller.control({ 'mc_fieldsetdynamiccontrols' : { // set default UI attribute beforerender: function(fieldset) { controller.addControl(fieldset, MyCompany.globals.FieldsetDynamicControls.defaultFieldName); } , addcontrol: function(fieldset) { var menu = fieldset.down('button[name=add]').menu , combo = menu.down('combo') , name = combo.getValue(); if ( !name ) return; controller.addControl(fieldset, name); menu.hide(); } , removecontrol: function(fieldset, field, record) { controller.removeControl(fieldset, field, record); } } // EO }); } // Adds an input to the fieldset , addControl: function(fieldset, name) { var controller = this , menu = fieldset.down('button[name=add]').menu , combo = menu.down('combo') , record = combo.findRecord('name',name) , field = null; // Add UI element field = fieldset.add({ xtype: 'textfield' , name: name , fieldLabel: , msgTarget: 'under' , anchor: '-25' , allowBlank: false , listeners : { // Add "remove" button afterrender: function(tf) { var el = tf.bodyEl.createChild({tag: 'div', style: 'position: absolute; right: -23px; top: 0px;'}); tf.innerButton = Ext.create('Ext.button.Button',{ renderTo: el , iconCls: 'icon-remove' , handler: function() { // Fire custom event fieldset.fireEvent('removecontrol' , fieldset , field , record); } }); } // Our button does not get destroyed when we // destroy the parent textfield or the parent fieldset , destroy: function(tf) { tf.innerButton.destroy(); } } // eo listeners }); field.focus(); // Remove from "Add Direct Attr" combo combo.clearValue(); combo.getStore().remove(record); } , removeControl: function(fieldset, field, record) { var combo = fieldset.down('button[name=add]').menu.down('combo'); field.destroy(); combo.getStore().add(record); combo.getStore().sort(); } }); |
Next -> Leveraging ExtJS4 Store
Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (8),
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