ExtJS4 Clean Custom Builds (2)

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In this tutorial we’ll make a Windows batch script to automate building of the custom ExtJS4 framework. We’ll also touch on declaring dependencies in custom components. Ultimately, this serves for much faster load times and less wasted bandwidth:

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ExtJS4 Clean Custom Builds

In this tutorial I will show you how to reduce your ExtJS4 application load times by half, using Sencha SDK Tools. Also, I will show you how to do a clean custom build, the kind that doesn’t cause your production code to occasionally download JS files via autoloader. Another gem of this example – we’ll get our “compiled” JS down to just about 100 KB, instead of 500 KB+ that results if you follow other tutorials.

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ExtJS4 Sencha API Down

I’ve come to rely on Sencha’s online API for my day-to-day work. Sure, I can use the static docs that come bundled with ExtJS download, but since they introduced API comments, the online version is so much more invaluable.

Unfortunately, today around 8:50 AM PST the docs were down, causing me much grief. Technical difficulties, I guess:

Clean up your act Sencha!

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