Fieldset /w Dynamic Controls (3)

Basic Textfield Input Layout

In this example we put together the following layout that correctly grows vertically, as fields/errors are added:



        title: 'Search Filter'
        , renderTo: Ext.getBody()
        , width: 300
        , collapsible: true
        , iconCls: 'icon-properties'
        , style: 'background-color: #F1F1F1; margin: 30px auto;'
        , defaults: { // applies to every "item" below
            xtype: 'textfield'
            , fieldLabel: 'Test'
            , msgTarget: 'under'
            , anchor: '-25'
            , allowBlank: false
        , items: [
            {},{},{} // will use "defauts" configuration

Next -> Adding [+] “Add” button to fieldset

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