ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 in 2-way JSON (2)

In this example we will use what we learned to build a “MSAjaxProxy” – just like a normal AjaxProxy, except geared towards IIS 6+ running MS AJAX Extensions 1.0. Proxies are used by all ExtJS stores (combos, grids, trees, etc.), so we would be able to do something like this:

	xtype: 'combo'
	, displayField: 'attrName'
	, valueField: 'attrID'
	, store:
		fields: ['attrID','attrName']
		, proxy: Ext.create('MyOrg.proxy.MSAjaxProxy', {
			url: 'Default-UMRA.aspx/Test'
			, reader: { type: 'json' }
		}) // eo proxy
	} // eo store

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ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 in 2-way JSON (1)

In this example series I will show you something that might save you some headache – using ExtJS 4 AJAX controls with IIS 6+ running MS AJAX Extensions 1.0. We will need to make a custom proxy for use in stores, which are utilized throughout ExtJS4, i.e. in a combo:

Data will travel back and forth between our server-side C# code and client-side ExtJS 4 in efficient JSON packets, such as: {param:’test’}
Continue reading ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 in 2-way JSON (1)

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