ExtJS4 Dev Tools of a Pro

Apologies for the self-proclaimed “Pro” title. My cred: 1 year ExtJS3 and ExtJS4 for almost a year now, since it came out. I build enterprise portals for large organizations and I usually develop remotely over VPN in Clients’ environments. This means I do not always have the luxury of installing Visual Studio, so I have to stick to a minimal setup. However, it works great!

Let’s start of with my favorite: Notepad++

  • Small download & very fast application
  • Use “Explorer” plugin (left panels in the above screenshot)
  • Shown with “Obsidian” theme
  • Has syntax highlighting for pretty much every language
  • Can zoom in/out of text very easy ; great for working with text on 24″+ monitors
  • Great support for file searching & replacing
  • Can collapse sections
My next tool “combo” is FireFox + FireBug + Illuminations

Illuminations is an extension of FireBug that improves the already excellent JS development tool. It is to ExtJS development as FireBug is to JS development.

Last but not least: TortoiseSVN

Source control, subversion repository, whatever you want to call it – it lets easily migrate code changes across multiple branches of code. Also, a great source of backups if you practice multiple check-ins per day.

Believe it or not, I use nothing but these 3 tools to build 20,000+ line ASP.NET/ExtJS4 web portals.

Not so much a development, rather a sharing tool is jsFiddle.net

You can fork my ExtJS 4.0.7 base here: http://jsfiddle.net/YangHax/HF4de/

I use it whenever referencing code examples on forums, with Sencha support, etc. – it’s very useful because others can easily fork your code and modify it right in the browser.

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