In this example series we’ll keep using MSAjaxProxy we set up earlier, for working with IIS 6+ running MS AJAX Extensions 1.0
We’ll set up an ExtJS4 gridpanel with infinite scrolling, using XML data served from ASP.NET. This is a native feature of ExtJS4, but I have not seen a single example from Sencha, explaining how to do this with a real proxy. It is a great feature though, as you can have a 100,000 record data set, with only 50 HTML table rows on the screen at any given time.
ExtJS4 Store & Model configuration is trivial:
// Model
Ext.define('MyOrg.model.SearchResult', {
extend: ''
, fields: ['id','name']
// Store
model: 'MyOrg.model.SearchResult'
, proxy: Ext.create('MyOrg.proxy.MSAjaxProxy', {
url: 'Default-UMRA.aspx/Search'
, reader: { type: 'xml', root: 'matches', record: 'match' }
, extraParams: { query: 'Param to C#' }
}) // eo proxy
}) |
// Model
Ext.define('MyOrg.model.SearchResult', {
extend: ''
, fields: ['id','name']
// Store
model: 'MyOrg.model.SearchResult'
, proxy: Ext.create('MyOrg.proxy.MSAjaxProxy', {
url: 'Default-UMRA.aspx/Search'
, reader: { type: 'xml', root: 'matches', record: 'match' }
, extraParams: { query: 'Param to C#' }
}) // eo proxy
Continue reading ASP.NET AJAX & ExtJS 4 Grid (1)
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